$ 3.99
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"The River of the Lord" is a river of delights, and this river flows out of heaven into your life to water your garden. Learn how to connect with this divine fountain of life, and flourish in heavenly saturation while you live within the realm of time. These living waters not only flow into you, they also flow out of your innermost being to bless the entire world around you. If you are in need of refreshing, replenishing, restoring, or simply want to see greater fruit in your life, there is a river that can bring you all these things!
When Patricia originally shared this message there was such a release of the presence of the Lord that spontaneous healing miracles occurred throughout the conference.
$ 8.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
We are seated with Christ in heavenly places! And when we attack the enemy from a throne-room perspective, we see just how small he is. Patricia King's "Third Heaven Intercession" teaches you how to come boldly unto the throne, receive the Lord's will into your life, and be equipped for powerful intercession in time of need!
In this three-MP3 teaching you will learn how to:
You are destined to be a mighty prayer warrior and do exploits for your King. Equip yourself for "Third Heaven Intercession," and prepare for battle!
$ 5.94
This product is a digital MP3 Music download.
Caleb is a passionate worship leader and lover of Jesus. He moves powerfully in the prophetic, ushering in the glory of God taking the listener to heightened levels of intimacy with Jesus and third heaven encounters.Through the vehicle of DJ-led, electronic, worship music, Caleb trains the body in how to become free in worship and praise and to express adoration for Jesus through flag, song, and dance. He also teaches how to cry out to God through prayer, intercession, and travail using the whole body. He believes the verse, "For we know that the whole creation groans and labors with birth pangs together until now. Even we ourselves groan within ourselves eagerly awaiting for the adoption, the redemption of our body" (Romans 8:22-23), expresses our need to reach beyond our traditional ways of prayer to get breakthrough in our lives and over regions.
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Would you like to receive a key that will unlock the power of God within you? This key will accelerate your growth and maturity as a believer, allow you to experience things of God that seem impossible to the average person and enjoy deepened intimacy with the Lord.
"Tongues" shares how you can receive all the above-mentioned benefits and more through the person of the Holy Spirit. Full of Bible Scriptures, it will kindle your desire to be filled afresh. In this teaching you will learn:
Get ready! The principles in this teaching will change your life!
$ 5.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
In "Treasures in Transition," Dr. Mark Chironna shares prophetic revelation about the doors the Lord is opening in the earth as well as biblical insights into how you can respond to God's invitation and step through those doors into all that He has for you.
CD 1: The Leading of The Lord
CD 2: You've Got This
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
We will face challenges. God promises us that. But He also promises that He is good and that He will never leave us or forsake us. As we lean into His goodness and trustworthiness, even during times when it seems like He is far away, God will bring us into glorious depths of blessing, intimacy, revelation and rejoicing beyond anything we have ever imagined!
As you listen to this insightful message from Rob Hotchkin, the way you look at challenging times of confusion or doubt will be forever changed. You will come to understand:
$ 9.99
This product is a digital MP3 Music download.
During a conference, Patricia King was sharing a powerful message on the cross when the Spirit of Prophecy came upon her. She began to not merely teach on the cross, but to prophesy from God's perspective the message of His love for each and every one of us. While this was occurring, Steve Swanson was also flowing in a powerful worship anointing adding sounds from heaven to the unfolding of this amazing revelation. A teaching. This productcan't be categorized, but has to be heard!
This product is available in digital MP3 download.
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Our eyes have not seen, our ears have not heard, nor have our minds imagined the magnitude of what the Lord wants to reveal of Himself. But God is inviting us all in these days to enter into His glory and discover the depths of His heart, His mind and His ways.
In this powerful teaching, Patricia King gives you practical steps on how you can receive the mysteries of God and explore His supernatural realm. You will learn to discover more of who Jesus is, and in that discovery more of who you are and what you are called to do!
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Our God is invincible. All might, all power, and all authority are His. He never loses, and He wants to train you how to war. God wants to teach you how to lay hold of certain victory and equip you to take down the giants in the land so that you can inhabit all of His promises and see all of His blessings!
As you listen to this message, you will realize that you're made for victory in every area of your life. You will discover:
At the end of this message, Robert Hotchkin prays for the Spirit of the Overcomer to be released to you. Triumph is coming because "Victory"is yours!
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Jesus walked on water. And He promises that we will do the works that He did. Does that mean we can walk on actual water? Yes! But it goes beyond that. It also means that the Lord is inviting us to grab hold of His promises and step out into a supernatural lifestyle of the impossible. There are storms we will find ourselves in, but God has empowered us to stand in their midst, move in supernatural authority, and command them to be still!
As you listen to this message from Patricia King, you will receive an impartation of faith to move past any challenge you face and go to your next level. You may be in the midst of a storm, but as you grab hold of this revelation you will not sink, you will rise up in the power of God and begin "Walking On Water"!
$ 9.99
This is an MP3 Teaching digital download.
In this powerful 3-CD set, Patricia King reveals a major key to living a supernatural lifestyle and seeing God's glory and power manifest in our lives.
1. Who in the world are you?
2. Do you know Holy Spirit?
3. Come as a child