$ 5.99
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1: Favor
2: Honor
$ 8.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Break the destructive patterns of self-idolatry and self-exaltation. Learn what narcissism is and how it manifests, what the symptoms of narcissism are and how to discern the spirit. Be taught how to live with someone under the influence of a narcissistic spirit - and much more!
$ 5.95
This product is a digital PDF download.
Break the destructive patterns of self-idolatry and self-exaltation. Learn what narcissism is and how it manifests, what the symptoms of narcissism are and how to discern the spirit. Be taught how to live with someone under the influence of a narcissistic spirit - and much more!
$ 3.99
Patricia King
Overcoming Giants, Dragons, Serpents and other Demons - Patricia King - MP3 Teaching
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
$ 9.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
The Lord's desire is for your life to be filled with the glory of heaven during your time on earth. Not occasionally, not just when you're in church or at conferences and meetings, but always. One evening, while together at our ministry center in Phoenix, Steve Swanson was leading worship and the tangible glory presence of God was ushered in. Patricia King, under the inspiration of the Spirit, began teaching and releasing prophetic decrees and prayers in the midst of the open heaven environment. It was an outrageous night. The manifestation of heavenly glory was so thick!
On this live teaching, worship, and soaking CD, Patricia King and Steve Swanson call forth the portals of glory in your life. Listen, absorb, and be transformed by the anointing that is released. May the portals open up over your life. May the glory fall on you and surround you. And may you come to see just as Jacob did, that _„ñsurely God is in this place!
$ 5.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Part 1: James Goll
Part 2: Patricia King
$ 5.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Are You Ready to Encounter the "Man of Fire"?
In Scripture, we are promised that Jesus came to baptize His church with the Holy Spirit and with fire. In this 2-CD message, Patricia King and Stacey Campbell share about a coming move of God that is about to break forth in the earth, where the Lord will manifest as the Man of Fire to sweep us up in His all-consuming love and set us ablaze with His presence, power, plans and purposes.
Isaiah, Ezekiel, and John all saw the Lord as the Man of Fire. On Pentecost there was a foretaste of the baptism of fire. But this coming move will be a corporate explosion of the Lord's unquenchable fire that burns up everything in us that is not the pure love and holiness of God. Those who encounter the Man of Fire will be Burning Ones for the Lord who light up the world with the reality of God and His Kingdom, shattering darkness everywhere they go.
Are you ready to be set ablaze? Are you ready to meet the Man of Fire?
$ 18.00
XP Ministries
Making of a Champion KIDZ: Life Coaching Course - Patricia King & Jane Watrich - MP3 Teaching
$ 18.00
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Your child has an amazing life ahead of them. And this course gives them a great head start in becoming the champions God created them to be. They will learn about goal setting, living with purpose, simple ways to focus, how to succeed, what defines a champion and more. And it only takes about 15-30 minutes per week.
When our children are established in good values and godly ways, it helps create a foundation they can build a lifetime of successes on. This course helps children know, to their very core, that they were created by God to be winners, that they can overcome anything, and that nothing can hold them back!
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
This is a powerful message. But be forewarned, it is not for the faint of heart. This teaching from Patricia King will move you, stir you, and it may even shock you. But along the way you will learn to connect with a level of compassion you did not know you had, and from that place invade darkness with the light of God's love and see lives and regions transformed. The world is crying out to know the love of God. Will you arise, shine and share it with them?
$ 5.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Abraham did it. Joseph did it. Daniel did it and you can too! These champions of faith always knew blessings and abundance no matter what the circumstances they found themselves in. What was their secret? GOD! They knew Him, they trusted Him and they stood on the fact of His word. In this teaching Patricia King will help to unlock abundance and blessing in your life. No matter what your current circumstances, even if you are in the midst of bad, you can still live good!
$ 8.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Step into a supernatural lifestyle of abundance and authority as you are learning to live according to the Kingdom! God wants to increase His rule and reign in the earth through you. When you catch hold of these powerful teachings from Patricia King you will begin to arise and shine as you step into a new realm of abundance, authority and impact.
Teaching 1 - Supernatural Success StrategiesGod is bringing His people into a whole new realm of glory. In this place, the Lord is teaching us how to be about His business in the earth and how to supernaturally succeed in all we do. Get ready to see all your needs met gloriously and abundantly. Get ready for new levels of the miraculous and supernatural. Get ready for Kingdom downloads, insights, and strategies that will show you how to prosper and succeed in every set of circumstances!
Teaching 2 - United We StandGod wants us completely separated unto Him, but He never wants us separated from each other. In this message, Patricia King sounds a clarion call for unity in the body of Christ and teaches us how we can stand together in love - even when there are differences and disagreements among us. God commands His blessing when we dwell together in unity. So get ready to be blessed because you are about to learn how to walk holy and without compromise as a part of a Kingdom people who value relationship and know how to stand strong together in Him.
Teaching 3 - Revealing the KingdomGod is releasing a revelation of His Kingdom into the earth that is radically shifting the church into a new place of increased authority. The Kingdom is about to explode into the marketplace, the economy, the media, our education system, the sciences, and every facet of society, until we see the kingdoms of the world come under the rule of the King of Heaven! And it is going to happen through believers like you who catch the revelation of Kingdom that God is birthing in the earth today!
$ 11.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
MP3 - 1: The Value of Testing