$ 8.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Faith is the currency of heaven. It is the substance that creates the reality of the kingdom in our lives and in the earth. It lays hold of God's provision, power, presence and purposes. Faith is powerful. And childlike faith - that simple faith that trusts and expects the goodness of our loving Father all the time in all our circumstances no matter what - that is the faith that moves mountains. That is why the enemy works so hard at destroying childlike faith in believers, by reminding us of every time it seems like God didn't show up how or when we wanted. When we begin to doubt God, we begin to lose the power of our childlike expectant faith. But it can be restored, bigger and better than ever.
In this 3-partset, Patricia King delves into the power of childlike faith, how we can lose it and how we can allow the Lord to restore us to that place of simple, profound expectancy. It's time to move past the disappointments of the past and learn how to dream big with God again.
$ 25.00
Patricia King
Coached into Spiritual Acceleration – Life Coaching Course - Patricia King - MP3 & PDF Teaching
$ 25.00
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Do you desire to grow in intimacy and relationship with the Lord? Do you wish to see and increase in the accuracy and impact of the prophetic, working of miracles, and other gifts of the Spirit? Do you want greater manifestations of God’s presence and power in your life, along with more encounters with the divinely supernatural? Then this new coaching workshop from Patricia King is for you!
In this course, Patricia shares from her decades of experience on how you can accelerate in the spiritual and supernatural aspects of the Kingdom of God. Why settle for “normal” Christianity? Let Patricia help accelerate you in your spiritual development!
$ 6.99
Patricia King
Developing Your Five Spiritual Senses - Audio Book - Patricia King - MP3 Teaching
$ 6.99
This product is a digital MP3 AUDIO BOOK download - Read by Patricia King.
Just as He gave us five natural senses, God also created us with five spiritual senses. In these lessons, Patricia King helps you cultivate your spiritual senses and mentors you in how to see, hear, feel, taste and smell more of the supernatural realm that is all around you. This course is not just about acquiring knowledge, it is meant to be a doorway to encounters that will answer the cry of your heart to know Him and His Kingdom more fully and intimately.
$ 11.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Become a kingdom warrior who releases the fullness of heaven!
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
This teaching will inspire you take up the authority you have been given over every type of infirmity. You'll learn that you're not only healed by His stripes, you have the power to go forth and destroy the works of the enemy! Learn how to destroy sickness once and for all!
$ 65.99
Patricia King
F.I.R.E. Fervent Intercession for Revival and Evangelism - Patricia King - MP3 Teaching
$ 65.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
The "F.I.R.E." set is 22 lessons on in-depth prayer, intercession and spiritual warfare. It includes instruction on 'all manner of prayer', travailing, groaning, praying for cities, the local church and more.
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Jesus told Nathanael that he would see greater things. The promise was that the heavens would open and he would see supernatural activity. This promise is for all of us! We are promised by the Lord that we will do what He did, and greater works.
The Lord is calling you into the greater. He is calling you to trust Him for the open heavens He has promised. He is calling you to receive greater revelation, greater wisdom, greater vision, greater insights, greater provision, and greater empowerment! He is calling you to be an explosion of the Kingdom coming to earth just as it is in heaven!
Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. This teaching by Patricia King will help you position yourself in Christ to be a part of the coming outpouring of the greater works.
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Jesus told Nathanael that he would see greater things. The promise was that the heavens would open and he would see supernatural activity. This promise is for all of us! We are promised by the Lord that we will do what He did, and greater works.
The Lord is calling you into the greater. He is calling you to trust Him for the open heavens He has promised. He is calling you to receive greater revelation, greater wisdom, greater vision, greater insights, greater provision, and greater empowerment! He is calling you to be an explosion of the Kingdom coming to earth just as it is in heaven!
Greater is He that is in you than he that is in the world. This teaching by Patricia King will help you position yourself in Christ to be a part of the coming outpouring of the greater works.
Healing and Restoration for Fallen Leaders (and those who are hurt by them)
It is no secret that we have had leaders fall in the Body of Christ recently. But how do we deal with it? What is the correct response when a leader falls? How do we help those who have fallen? And just as importantly, how do we help those who have been hurt by those fallen leaders and heal the wounds to the Body that are created?
In this timely and important message, Patricia King talks plainly about what needs to happen when leaders fall, how we can bring them into true restoration and return the church to health and wholeness. As Patricia digs into the Word and shares chilling examples of the impact of falls, you will learn how to lead with excellence, how to avoid the traps and temptations of the enemy, and how to posture yourself if someone around you falls.
$ 3.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
Jesus Christ is the One who is high and lifted up. And He longs to draw you into that elevated place of bliss and joy that lifts you above the trials and challenges of the world. Many turn to worldly substances to try and make them feel better, but these highs are simply perversions of the true joy, the true bliss, the true high of the Most High!
The world's highs do not bring relief or empowerment - they bring only addiction and destruction. But the ecstasies of God bring joy, bliss, relief, and empowerment. In this message, Patricia King unpacks what the bliss of God looks and feels like, and why He pours it out the way He does!
Once you experience the high of the Most High, you will never want the counterfeit again. So come on, let's get HIGH!
$ 11.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
The Prayers of righteous man avail much. When you have the revelation that each time you pray you are coming before the Father in the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ you can be certain that your prayers pack power. This 4 MP3 teaching by Patricia King will open your eyes and bolster your faith, helping you to step into the full authority the Lord has given to all believers. You will learn principles of prayer, how to stand on the promises of God, and how to receive decrees of the Lord to see breakthrough in any situation you or your loved ones may be facing. Don't limit your Kingdom effectiveness. Begin increasing your prayer power today.
$ 11.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
MP3 - 1: The Value of Testing$ 24.99
Patricia King
Keys to Success: A Professional Life-Coaching Course - Patricia King - MP3 Teaching
$ 24.99
This product is a digital MP3 download.
"Keys to Success" is an amazing course that will transform your life.
Are you finished with failure? Do you want to start developing habit patterns of success and receive outrageous grace for breakthrough in every area of your life? This personal development life-coaching course by Patricia King is designed just for you!
You will learn:
You were created and designed by God for fruitfulness and success. The course includes great teaching, encouragement, practical activations and insights into applying transformational life-skills.