
XP Ministries

The Lord's Prayer in Techno - Patricia King & Caleb Brundidge - Music MP3

$ 9.99

XP Ministries

The Lord's Prayer in Techno - Patricia King & Caleb Brundidge - Music MP3

$ 9.99

This product is a digital MP3 Music download.

When Jesus was teaching His disciples to access the fullness of heaven, He taught them the Lord's Prayer. From a revelation of restored relationship with our Father in heaven, all blessings flow. Patricia King originally created this CD for her grandchildren's generation. She wanted young people everywhere to know the Lord's Prayer and the way it opens up heaven for those who say it and pray it. As the project progressed, she realized that we allneed this powerful revelation of our Loving Father in Heaven who cares for us as His children!

As you listen to these prayers and decrees by Patricia King, and the music and backing vocals created by Caleb Brundidge, the promise and power of the Lord's Prayer will be opened and released into your life!